
Antara is a NGO working for maternal and child health – maternal deaths, under 5 mortality, malnutrition among children.

My Role

UX designer for thegeekslab consulting for Antara

Target Audience

India has three cadres of Community Health Worker (CHWs). The first created is the Auxiliary Nurse

Midwife (ANM), who is based at a sub-center and visits villages in addition to providing care at the

subcenter. The second is the Anganwadi Worker (AWW), who works solely in her village and focuses on  provision of food supplements to young children, adolescent girls, and lactating women. The most

recently created cadre is the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA), who also works solely in her village.  ASHA workers focus on promotion of MCH, including immunizations and institutional-based deliveries, for  which they receive a performance-related fee.

Auxiliary nurse midwife(ANM)– who is based at a sub center and visits villages in addition to provide

care at the sub center

Anganwadi(AWW)– works in her village and focuses on provision of food supplements to young

children, adolescent girls and lactating women.

Accredited social health activist(ASHA)- works in her village to carry out immunizations and institutional  based deliveries.

There are at present 208,000 ANMs, 1.2 million AWWs, and 857,000 ASHA workers. They each have their  own supervisory systems and payment systems.

ANMs receive 18 months of training while AWWs and ASHA workers each receive 3–4 weeks with

additional trainings from time to time.

ANMs are now officially Multipurpose Workers (MPWs) with a broad set of responsibilities, including the  support of AWWs and ASHA workers. Some obtain additional training to manage birth complications and  refer women with complications to higher levels of care, and some obtain additional training for insertion  of intrauterine devices. AWWs manage nutritional supplementation at anganwadi centers for young

children, adolescent girls, and lactating women. They also help with promotion of healthy behaviors and  mobilization of the community for improved water and sanitation, participation in immunization activities  and other special health activities. ASHA workers are given performance-based incentives that focus

around facilitating institutional deliveries, immunizations, provision of basic medicines (including oral

contraceptives), and referral of patients to the sub-center.


Final Product

This unique smart solution links all three frontline workers (AAA). Though they serve the same

community, they don’t team up naturally because of different supervisory systems, databases and

work cultures. Further, they are expected to maintain numerous voluminous registers. They can

improve effectiveness and efficiency by sharing data.

While some technology solutions for frontline workers exist, none bring them together. This app

enables the AAA to utilise a common database, carry out their routine tasks with ease and maintain

integrity of data. It also generates essential government reports, provides an online supervision

dashboard and enables referrals.

Through all this, the workers can focus on their primary responsibility of delivering care, aided by


The ANM app, AWW app, ASHA app were designed in turn to solve the problems of the CHWs to

enable swift delivery of services, reduce wait time, efficient database entry, periodical assessment

of patients and laying out of a simple yet effective workplan for the CHWs to plan their day to make

their day more manageable. All three of them were compiled in one app with registered user

logins leading to respective aflows.



We focused on the CHWs of Rajasthan as the presence of the NGO was prevalent in some regions.

Later on it has significantly expanded its operations across other states too. The app was

inaugurated by the then CM of Rajasthan Smt. Vasundhra Raje.


What was my process?

The project started with visiting the Jhalawaad village along with some members from the Antara team. I  worked closely with Damini(Project Coordinator-Antara) and Rahul (Project Coordinator-Antara) to gain  insights into the pain points that were there in the existing designs. Apart from them i took help from my  chief UX designer Shaurya Rawat whenever i ran into deadlocks of some sort and for brainstorming on

specific junctures and also whenever i needed that spurge of creativity.

So all these people were really helpful in the designing of the apps and seeing this whole project into


The process started with the existing designs, listing down user feedback, all the pain points, reassessing  the goals from the design. MArket competition was not much hence was not a big part in the process.

User interviews, surveys were conducted to get a better understanding of all that was there and the

feedback of the common people in the village as well as the CHWs were recorded at due intervals. We

also conducted on-boarding workshops to let the users know about the feasibility of the existing/

upcoming features and understand their user journeys and for us to understand the different personas.

This part of understanding the user scenarios was very insightful as i had never worked on a product which  had an impact on the grassroot level of the society. This whole experience was very humbling.

The designing part started with the low fidelity sketches , iterations and feedback also at the user level

(sometimes). Mostly i worked with Damini and we had extensively iterated on the paper sketches to solve  all the feature requests noted in the excel format as well as cover the pain points of the existing designs.

When the low fi iterations were done enough and we were convinced by holding numerous brainstorming  sessions we decided to go ahead to make the high fidelity mockups. The final prototypes were made in  sketch software and were showcased in marvellapp after a certain level of iterations of the app UI.


What were the challenges which were overcome ?

The lo fi wireframes were made in english for easy iterations and for final prototypes the english

was translated into hindi through google. The following section tells us briefly about the challenges

we faced and the solutions we drew out.